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Bequest Language

Legal Name: Kennesaw State University Foundation
Tax I.D. Number: 23-7034345
Incorporated In: Kennesaw, GA

The Kennesaw State University Foundation is a tax-exempt corporation under subsection 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code. All gifts to the Kennesaw State University Foundation are approved deductions according to the schedules established under income tax regulations and are used for the benefit of Kennesaw State University. The Federal Identification Number for Kennesaw State University Foundation is 23-7034345.

Money: I give and bequeath to the Kennesaw State University Foundation, Kennesaw, Georgia a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Georgia, Federal Identification Number 23-7034345, the sum of $__________, to be used for the benefit of Kennesaw State University.

Securities: I give and bequeath to the Kennesaw State University Foundation, Kennesaw, Georgia, a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Georgia Federal Identification Number 23-7034345, the following described securities or other personal property _______________, to be used for the benefit of Kennesaw State University.
